816-525-7070  |  800-881-7479

110 SE 5th Street  |  Lee's Summit, MO 64063

Mail Tracking

When Talco started tracking mail, as the first Kansas City area service provider to do so, it opened a new world of information, and to some extent USPS accountability, for our clients and their clients. The Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB), which makes it all possible, contains not only delivery address information as with POSTNET, but information about the mailer, type and class of mail, and also a unique sequence number for each piece in the mailing. Date of mail entry, quantity, etc., also become part of the electronic profile for each mailing. As pieces move through scan points in the USPS system nationwide, data is collected and transmitted back to us in real time. That data can then be formatted as an overview of all jobs for a selected time period, class of mail, individual client, etc. Or a report can be selected to focus on a specific job by its BMC or SCF destination, 5-digit area, or even to search for information on one particular piece of mail.


Some clients choose to be set up with access to their company’s projects from their own desktops. For others, we provide a daily or weekly summary. And still others will use tracking only as needed — if, for instance a client is not seeing response as quickly as expected. In that case, a status report is an invaluable stress-reducer for all. Watching for trigger points in the mail’s progress can also provide a heads-up to staff or phone bank that mail is close to final scan points or starting to hit mailboxes.



816-525-7070  |  800-881-7479

110 SE 5th Street  |  Lee's Summit, MO 64063

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